Rose Water 55ML
- Is an amazing toner for all skin types and constricts open pores on skin.
- It helps to control excessive oil secretion on skin due to its astringent properties.
- Can be used as a set up spray for make-up.
- Mix it with the bentonite clay for masking to get a clear skin.
- Spray on dry hair or on your styled hair to refresh the styles daily and lightly condition.
- Mix with Mizizi Vegetable Glycerine for a daily spritz.
| Extracts and Hydrosols
KES. 280
- Is an amazing toner for all skin types and constricts open pores on skin.
- It helps to control excessive oil secretion on skin due to its astringent properties.
- Can be used as a set up spray for make-up.
- Mix it with the bentonite clay for masking to get a clear skin.
- Spray on dry hair or on your styled hair to refresh the styles daily and lightly condition.
- Mix with Mizizi Vegetable Glycerine for a daily spritz.
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